“It is the Summer [two years from now]. Violent uprisings have shaken
Oil no longer flows from rich Saudi fields. Critical elements of the oil distribution system, systematically wrecked, lie in ruins. The giant terminal at Ras Tanura, which once sent half a dozen tankers a day down the
The free world has lost a fifth of its oil supply – some ten million barrels a day.
For a brief time, the
Does this projection sound believable? It did in 1981, because that is when it was written in National Geographic magazine along with comments about projections that oil could be at $80 per barrel in 1985. It turned out that the cost of a barrel of oil in 1985 was about $27, and only $14 in 1986 (which is roughly $52 and $27 in early 2007 dollars). How wrong was that oil price projection?
See http://www.wtrg.com/prices.htm and http://www.inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflation_Rate/Historical_Oil_Prices_Chart.asp for discussion and charts of oil prices.
What this look into the recent past indicates, is that projecting energy prices and uses into the future is pretty much as good as looking into a crystal ball. The reason that oil prices dropped is due to efficiency improvements and adjustments in the world economy that reduced demand. These adjustments were caused by people, just as the price increase and embargo was also caused by people.
And a large part of the reason it has taken approximately 25 years for us to have the same conversation again about the future of oil supplies and Wahabbi sects in the
The question is: how long can people’s choices and adjustments remain the most influential factor in energy consumption and prices? Because, if people are not the most influential factor, then that means nature’s limitations in resources is the most influential factor. At no point yet in history has per capita energy consumption declined. Human choices can possible maintain high standards of living even if and when energy per capita begins to decline, sometime in the future. Our goal should be to maintain the world and society such that humans always have the most control over energy consumption, because otherwise, it means, by definition, we are not in control.
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